Feeling unresolved tension and lost hope?

The research-based communication techniques
will help you be seen and heard, as well as
provide practical tools for communicating more clearly with your spouse.

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Before I Tell You About This
Life-Changing Program, Let's Talk About
Who This Is Really For...

You're an incredible couple with no shortage of desire to build a cohesive family that allows you to impact generations to come, starting with your own marriage.

Whether you're...

  • a newlywed just recently married, you have the unique opportunity to establish great communication habits.
  • in a busy season of family life, work, and responsibilities, learn ways to incorporate these tools into the busyness of life.
  • or an Empty Nester, you've done the hard work of raising a family and now it's back to the two of you!

You're in the right place and I'm going to tell you exactly how the Communicate Clearly Course™ will give you the tools, inspiration and unparalleled support on your journey to strengthening your communication no matter what life cycle stage you're in!

By the end of the Course,
you will have:

Gained self-awareness both about yourself and your spouse.        

Expanded an understanding of your relationship compatibility. 

Practiced communication tools to successfully discuss tough stuff and have true renewed peace in your relationship.             

Leveraged a mix of communication tools with empathy to build
a stronger marriage.      

Created an inspirational legacy for your family.                               

Danielle and Russ are one of the most inspiring, transparent mentors you could ever find.

I have always desired to be more intentional in strengthening our marriage but wasn’t sure how to effectively go about it. Now, I feel like I have some guidance and incredible tools to deepen my relationship with my husband! The Course is a step-by-step process, which is easy to follow and customize.

-Lauren Aponte

Lauren & Ed Aponte

Don't trust your marriage to fate, learn new ways to communicate.

Perhaps the one thing you've never tried is working with a marriage mentor!

We help you navigate through all the confusion with simple communication techniques backed by research-proven methods.

Join the Communicate Clearly Course™
with ongoing Group Mentoring - Lifetime Access!


Week 1 is about becoming more aware of the behavior patterns within yourself and your spouse, using assessments.


Weeks 2 and 3 are the second phase with an introduction to weekly exercises, which will help create a stronger relational bond.


Week 4 is the essence of our program where you will learn how to repair instead of swear!

"It takes a pulse to fall in love but it takes a plan to stay in love." ~ Andy Stanley


Sign up today and build a
marriage that lights you up!


Avoid becoming roomates. Invest in your marriage by learning new communication methods, which will grow stronger over time.


Imagine the peace of mind that comes with being on the same page with your spouse!

A Small Sample of Our
Amazing Alumni

I tend to approach my relationship with my husband with the mindset "How can I make him better". I love how the foundation of this workshop is premised on self-examination---I've learned that the key to improving our relationship is found by each of us working to better understand ourselves and making small changes in our own behavior. ~Kelli H.

My fiancé and I are preparing for marriage and found this workshop to offer real-life, problem-solving examples, and advice that we can implement in our daily lives. The most noticeable shift we've experienced is our ability to communicate more intentionally, taking our personality assessments into consideration, and connecting weekly to "check-in" to create emotional safety. ~Rachel K.

I'm now definitely paying attention to “flooding” and pausing when I know it’s happening. This is a workshop that’s applicable to newly married through multiple years married. If we aren’t constantly working on our marriages then we can’t be disappointed if we don’t have a thriving marriage. ~Jean F.

This workshop taught me some wonderful tips to implement with my husband, both as far as my approach with/to him, as well as how we navigate ourselves as a couple. It also taught me that satisfaction in my marriage can be largely affected by me: my own thoughts & behaviors that I bring to the table! And, relationship issues can still be worked on even if learning & implementing is being done by 1 person in the couple at a/any given point in time. ~Kelly L.

There is definite value in the Workshop. HUGE! I immediately used a lot of the tips during the frequent opportunities I had in conflict with my husband. Trying to be emotionally safe for him is huge. Danielle helped me work on a mind shift change around conflict. I have 2 new key phrases we learned in the workshop now in my relationship tool bag. I look forward to growing closer to my husband! ~Hillary K.

I have always desired to be more intentional in strengthening our marriage but wasn’t sure how to effectively go about it. Now, I feel like I have some guidance and incredible tools to deepen my relationship with my husband! ~ Lauren A.

Communicate Clearly Course™ is a much-needed outlet for wives just like me - real women who are looking for an environment that offers encouragement, coaching, and an open forum approach. I left the session each week feeling equipped because Danielle provided a safe space, offered life-applicable resources, and gave transformative marriage advice that was based on research-proven methods. ~ Lauren S.

Through the Workshop, I've learned positive and authentic ways to communicate with my husband by letting him know I'm here for him, I care for him, and I appreciate him. I can't wait to see how putting these into practice will grow our bond with each other. Thank you Danielle! ~Donna L.

This workshop changed the direction of my marriage. At 5 years of marriage, we had hit a complete wall in communicating with each other. During this workshop, I learned the intense value of finding common ground with my husband during an argument. Finding something we agree on is a very practical way to remind ourselves that disagreements are always Us versus The Problem, and never Me versus Him. This has absolutely transformed the way we face disagreements! We have learned a much healthier way of handling conflict and it makes all the difference! ~Daye W.

I recognized a change in how we approach difficult conversations (based on techniques we learned in the workshop)..there’s a lot of patience and more grace. We are slow to react. There’s more seeking to understand. That alone has made the Communicate Clearly Course™ worth the investment. ~Alexandra K. (engaged)

Communciate Clearly Course™ has great content. I’ve learned a lot about myself, my partner, and conflict resolution. I understand my partner better after taking one of the recommended assessments. I have realized that my concerns or points are much better received when I use the techniques taught in the workshop. ~Carrie M. (dating)

Definitely saw changes immediately as we started putting the things we learned into practice from the Communicate Clearly Course™. There were many, many things that helped us but the one that stands out the most is how to diffuse things before they get messy! ~Teresa D.

Both my husband and I tend not to discuss what frustrates us with each other. By applying the Workshop methodology, it was easier for me to share. When he felt safe to open up, I realized how off base I was. It’s made such a difference in responding and listening and being able to leave a conversation quietly for a short time. It’s really freeing and brings peace. ~ Pam H.

After having 38 years of counseling with some astute PhDs, Danielle has shared things with me I have not heard before and given me the insight to see things about myself and understand my husband in new ways. ~ Nancy G.

Danielle has been one of the most instrumental influences on me and my attitude towards my marriage. The tips and information she passes along to me have equipped me with numerous skills to use in my marriage. She is kind yet direct and always helps me see things in a better way. I love how she holds me accountable and never accepts anything other than God’s best for me and my marriage. I am thankful for her influence in my life. - Kimberly S

Here's What You Get When You Join

PDF Downloads

PDF downloads that guide you through questions and exercises to help you apply these communication techniques in your marriage.

Online Group Mentoring

Join like-minded couples/spouses for Group Mentoring via live weekly Live Q & A, so you can make sure nothing is left unanswered.

Confidential Community

For Members Only. Connect with other couples so you know you're not alone in this journey.


(Weekly Ongoing Q & A Calls)

  • 5 Implementation Modulesshowing you everything you need to do to communicate in a new way to be seen and heard
  • A complete step-by-step plan showing you how to communicate in an emotionally safe yet effective way.
  • Next level communication tools backed by 40 years of professional research.





Self Assessments
A Safe Place
Hopes & Dreams
Repair instead of Swear
Wives Who Thrive Workshop

P.S. ~ You'll be given access to one module per week so that you have ample time to dive into the lessons and execute that portion of the plan before moving onto the next.

We do this to protect your time, attention, and focus, while sparing you from being overwhelmed that stops most workshop participants in their tracks.

Plus This Bonus to Help You
Generate Intentional Momentum

When You Pay in Full

'For Husbands Only' Bonus :
(a $497 value)

From My Husband to Your Husband

Why Work on Your Marriage?
Why Is Marriage So Hard?
Why Am I So Frustrated?


one time payment
  • On-Demand Videos & PDF Exercises
  • Group Mentoring
  • Confidential Community
  • On-Demand Content - Lifetime Access
  • Access to All Course Updates
Click on image to learn more about our story. Our Family - Austin, Russ, Danielle and Chandler

Frequently Asked Questions

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Intentional Marriages

12150 Morris Rd

Atlanta, GA 30005