Friday Feature – Janet & Brad Schroer
Janet is someone I met around 2008 when I became a leader for women’s small groups. It certainly didn’t start off that way. I had joined a women’s group without a leader and was ‘voted’ to lead our group. The next step would be an interview with the church, a.k.a. Janet. I walked into the interview sharing all the reasons I felt I was unqualified and to my surprise she said, “Great, you’re ready!” Janet definitely saw something I couldn’t see in myself. She became a peer mentor for me and has walked with me during life’s highs and lows. For a few years I moved over to lead Thrive small groups with my husband but God came knocking again to lead a women’s small group this past January. I had not planned to lead a women’s small group but it has been the best spiritual collision with 13 amazing millennial women!! Over lunches Janet has encouraged and educated me in how to lead women well. We also have shared our journeys regarding our marriage, kids and aging parents. I’m excited for you all to get to know Janet and her husband, Brad!
If leading women’s small groups interests you, check out the upcoming small group event for women – Group Link on August 18th!
Please welcome Janet & Brad!
How did you meet your husband?
After college, through friends. (My roommate at the time and her eventual husband…who was a friend of Brad’s.)
How did your husband propose?
By default…we had dated for appx 5 years and mutually decided to take the next step…no fireworks, no skydivers.
How long have you been married?
30 years this past May.
What are you both really excited about?
Brad and I are both excited about the next season of our married life. We are presently kid-free, dog-free, cat-free, debt-free…and ideally, want to use the new freedom to wisely invest in the next generation.
What’s one piece of advice you would share with someone before getting married?
Be sure not to lose your individual identity once you get married. Make sure to still set aside time for your own hobbies, pursuits, friendships, etc… or you may end up resenting your spouse for something that’s not their fault.
What was the happiest period of your marriage and what are the reasons you think so?
Right now. We can look back at some major successes, while still being able to look forward to (hopefully) many more years of impact.
Would you say that you love each other more now than earlier in our marriage?
Yes…but differently. After 30 years of marriage we certainly know each other intimately, which allows us to love each other in more targeted ways.
Does it bother you that he’s growing older? If so, in what ways?
No, he’s healthy, active and in good shape as we enter into our empty-nest season.
Do you work together spiritually to your satisfaction? What could improve that?
We are largely in-sync with all things spiritual, although we could probably stand to pray together a bit more often.
How happy are you with our praying as a couple? Is there something to be done to make things better?
See previous answer. We have no issues praying together as a couple. Sometimes logistics of life get in the way. The remedy is to just do it.
Do you think your children and friends see your marriage as beautiful? Why or why not?
Beauty is a very subjective term but I would say that everyone would see our marriage as a solid, respectful, stable, caring and a loving one.
Are you hopeful about the future?
I am. God has blessed us in so many ways that there’s no reason not to be hopeful about what’s ahead. Circumstances may/will be challenging as we move forward, but a strong partnership and a mutual faith in God’s will for our lives, certainly lends itself to living in hope.
Do you focus too much attention or not enough attention on your children?
Speaking in the past tense largely I would say that we struck an appropriate balance. We recognized that certain children-related things needed to take priority during certain seasons. That said, I believe that we have always recognized that at some point our sons would move on and we would be together as a couple only. I believe that we have always kept that in mind.
Do you have any ideas concerning your finances that need to be examined?
Not really. Brad and I have worked with a financial advisor for a number of years and, apart from that, have always been transparent with regards to finances…no surprise lurking over the next hill.
What do you most wish you both could do in the future to make an impact on our world for Christ?
Be intentional about pouring wisdom into the next generation.
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