Are you still bored? Are you still looking for some unique ideas? Well, this is the 2.0 version of this video here I did last year. I’ve got 10 new ideas, so buckle up.
So, here’s one idea that’s not gonna take you away from doing something fun and something that most of us have been doing during this lockdown. How about scanning old photos while you’re binging on Netflix. You get to still enjoy your free time and you feel productive by the end of the movie.
Number two, spend some time apart from your spouse and probably, too many of you are like, “okay, sign me up.” Okay. You need to put your hands down. So, during this lockdown, we’ve been able to really work remotely from anywhere. And so, one of the things that Russ has been able to do, my husband, has been to travel down to Florida while he’s been working, because he’s not able to go to see his clients. So, he’s used some free points on hotels and free miles and just been able to go to where it’s a lot warmer. I, on the other hand, enjoy the change of seasons. So, while he goes down to Florida, I stay here in Georgia and we enjoy some time apart. It’s healthy, right?
Okay, this next one, you’re going to laugh at me but try a TikToK video, have fun with it. Now here’s one that I’ve done. And don’t go trying to find my username because I’m going to keep my account private.
So, number four is not gonna sound like much fun but hear me out. Organize your closet, but don’t do it by yourself. Call someone, get them on speaker, so you’re not alone doing your closet and you have a fun conversation. And by the time you know it, you’re done. Okay. So, one of the things that I’m going to suggest for you to do is clean out your closet. Yes. I know it is a tedious task. I certainly, don’t keep my closet like my husband’s He’s, he has everything, as you can see, organized by the colors of the rainbow. And if you notice the hangers are already slightly spaced apart evenly. I won’t be showing you my corner. It’s too scary. But how do you do a tedious task and stay with it, and get it done, and not procrastinate.
I procrastinate because unless, I can do it perfectly, I won’t do it at all. So, everything’s a complete mess or it’s close to this. Not, not like this, but close to it, right? So, my suggestion is for you to call up your best friend, just somebody that you can get on speaker and have them join you in the task by keeping you company. Okay? So, this is my sister, keeping me company while I clean up my corner. Hopefully, I can get it to look like this? I don’t know, we’ll see. In our previous house, our closet wasn’t big enough for him to space it out. And so, when we moved,
– [Sister] Uh-hmm.
– [Danielle] I kind of freaked out. I didn’t know I was married to this OCD man.
– [Sister] Yup.
– [ Danielle] And so, when people would come around and look at our new place, I would shove all of his hangers together. And I wouldn’t say anything.
– [Sister] He was secretly dying inside.
Number five, schedule a counseling session. With the lockdown, counseling has moved to online, and now, you get to do it in the privacy of your home.
Number six, write a letter. Do you go to the mailbox? In hopes that you have something other than a bill and just junk mail? I mean, who doesn’t love receiving a handwritten letter? If you’re not receiving any handwritten letters, send some out, and see how quickly you receive some in return.
And number seven, this may not help you this year but it will definitely help you next year. We’re coming up on tax season and you’re probably dreading pulling all of those expenses together and putting something together for your tax accountant. Well, here’s the deal. You can take all of your expenses that you receive on a daily basis. It takes less than, two minutes to put them in a chart, keep that up and the cumulative approach by next year as you get to sit back and just submit the spreadsheet. Give it a try, it’s something that I did last year and I’m so grateful.
Number eight, do some assessments with your spouse. And then, when you’re done, take the results and go through them with your spouse. And double check to see if you’ve accurately represented yourself. Sometimes, when I do this assessment with Russ, I’ll go through and he’ll be like, “No! no, no, no, no. That’s not you that other answer is you.” Sometimes, we’re not quite as self-aware as what our spouse is receiving. So, going through the quizzes, it breaks up routine conversation and it gives you something fun to do together.
Number nine, develop a framework. And what I mean by this is, you have a skill set. Put that skill set into some kind of spreadsheet, flowchart, and share it with others. You are ahead of someone in life and in experience and be able to give back. So for example, here’s a mentor framework that my husband has put together of everything he’s learned in the, in these different categories.
And finally, number 10, Mad Gab, this game is so much fun. I almost cried laughing, trying to figure out the answers. And I will share with you here, an example of how to play
– [Russ] There’s the, what does it say?
– Up arrow tin issues. Up arrow tin issues. Up arrow tin issues, up arrow tin issues. Up arrow tin issues. Up arrow? A pay, a payroll? A payroll, is the first word, right? Up arrow–
– [Russ] Say it fast.
– Up arrow tin issues! Am I saying it?
– [Russ] Close.
– Up arrow tin issues. Up arrow? Apparently? Up arrow tin issues.
– [Russ] Close.
– Up, up arrow? Up arrow tin issues. Up arrow tin issues!
– [Russ] Yeah. A pair of 10. A pair of 10!
– [Russ] You’re so close.
– A pair of 10 issues. A pair of 10. A pair of 10 issues? You have issues!
– [Russ] A pair of tennis shoes.
– Oh my God! Okay honey, what do you think this one says?
– Pretty shack scent. Pretty? Pro Pre? To shack scent? Pre, pre. Pre, pre, pre, pre, presh. Pretty shack scent. Pre–
– You say it faster.
– Pretty shack scent! Pre, pretty shack scent!
– Your saying it. British– British Accent!
– You said it!
– Thanks for telling me, say it fast.
– Again, here’s the first video that we did about being bored at home. So, if you’re still looking for some more alternatives, check it out. Our marriage channel is all about having better communication with your spouse.
So ladies, if you’re interested in the Wives Who Thrive Workshop? Check out the link below, schedule a call and we’ll see if it’s a right fit for you. Take care and remember to have an extraordinary marriage. Be intentional.
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